A'FAIR Sponsors 

The Optimist Club of Hernando is making preparations to celebrate 51 YEARS of the A’Fair in Hernando, which will be May 17, 2025!! Over the past 51 years the festival has grown from just a few booths and a small crowd to over 250 booths and nearly 10,000 visitors. It is the largest community event in our county. Each year our community looks forward to our annual arts and crafts festival to welcome Spring, purchase local arts and crafts and visit with friends and visitors. Our city reaps the benefits of visitors from other cities in our county and the tri-state region. We would like to invite you to participate as a sponsor of the 2025 A’Fair in Hernando! Proceeds of the A’Fair benefit over 1,000 children in our community by their participation in our activities, events and donations, and we hope that you will be a part of this event so that we can continue to increase the number of lives we touch. We have enclosed sponsorship information for you that outlines the benefits of the various sponsorship levels including advertising and booth space. The Optimist Club of Hernando is a member of the Optimist International Organization. For more information regarding the International Organization please go to

2025 Sponsorship levels

Platinum Sponsor ($1000)

  • Listed as Platinum Sponsor with logo on all advertising (send logo to [email protected])

  • A’Fair t-shirts - Listed as Platinum Sponsor with logo

  • Booth space at A’Fair free of charge

  • Listed as Platinum Sponsor with logo in all follow-up Thank you advertising

Gold Sponsor ($500)

  • Listed as Gold Sponsor on all advertising

  • A’Fair t-shirts - Listed as Gold Sponsor

  • Listed as Gold Sponsor in all follow-up Thank you advertising

Race Sponsor ($500)

  • Listed as Race Sponsor on all advertising

  • A’Fair t-shirts – Listed as Race Sponsor

  • Listed as Race Sponsor in all follow-up Thank you advertising

Silver Sponsor ($250)

  • A’Fair t-shirts - Listed as Silver Sponsor


Promoted weekly 3 weeks before event Daily and Boosted
Recognition at sponsor level
Follow-up Thank You promotion following event


Southern Shopper
½ page ad in May publication